Monday, February 2, 2009

Ice Fishing

ice fishing

Ice Fishing

“I would say it's the best thing to come to this lake or any other lake since the boat. How much easier can ice fishing get?”

- Al Trucinski


Unknown said...

That is something that I just cannot wrap my brain around at all!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Me--confused???? YES!!!! What is that? A tent out there on the frozen lake??? Or maybe just a blind for some warmth from the cold.....???? As Darla said, "I can't wrap my brain around that at all." EXPLAIN to us southerners...


Shelley said...

Darla - I'm always too afraid to walk out on a frozen lake!

Betsy - it was his ice fishing shanty. The type he had was similiar to a tent. I can see him fish from the deck of our cabin. They've been catching some big pike so I guess that's the draw!

Anonymous said...

I've never been ice fishing, I'd be too scared of falling through. LoL!

Patsy said...

I think I would like to try that. I love to fish for trout in the spring and fall.

Anonymous said...

Sitting in my warm house wearing my sweater and fuzzy slippers here in Georgia, I can't figure out the thrill either!!! Oh, how I despise the cold! Sure is a lovely photo though.

Deborah Godin said...

Ice-fishing is definitely a spectator sport (snuggled inside using my binocs, thank you very much) as far as I'm concerned!

Michele said...

I used to enjoy ice fishing when I was younger but now I'm just not adapting well to ice cold weather anymore, it literally burns my skin...
Beautiful photo.

Anonymous said...

It is a nice photo but it looks like it would be too cold for me.

Thanks for taking a look at my house finch in my birds blog.

Country Girl said...

Ice fishing is something I'd like to do. At least once. Preferably in a heated ice shack. With a nice chair and some chardonnay.

basketsnprims said...

Shell, Simon loves to ice fish, too. I've been a couple of times but it's just not me, though I love the outdoors. Have a great evening.


nonna said...

sigh***i wanna try that!
this is as close as i'll get to that kind of ice

Michele Wassell said...

Beautiful lighting in the photo... I love the snow, but ice.... I would be afraid of falling through...

spookydragonfly said...

Great capture...Don't they have anything better to do?! Brrrr!!!

Busy Bee Suz said...

What a gorgeous picture...but very cold looking. I must go find another sweatshirt.....

Nanny said...


Have you ever taken a day trip around St. John's Marsh between New Baltimore and Algonac in February?

I am amazed at how many cars, Trucks, snow mobiles, shanty's and people are out on the ice! Ice Fishing is a big thing in that area. It's truly a sight to see.

Heli gunner Tom said...

Nice Blog!
I live in Wisconsin, which get cold also.

Tom S

Shelley said...

Tricia - me too!

Benny & Patsy - my hubby loves to fish for trout too!

Mildred - I'm ready for warmer days!

Deborah - It is fun to watch them from the deck of our cabin when they pull a fish out!

Michele - I much prefer spring fishing! :-)

Abe - cold for me too! thanks for coming by!!

Country Girl - I think the glass of wine would make it better! :-)

Pam - I've gotten hooked on fly fishing!

Nonna - it does intrigue me!

Michele - I'm even afraid to snow shoe around our lake shore cuz I think I might fall in. lol!

Spooky - they are out there ALL day!

Busy Bee - some fleece socks too!

Mom2 - I haven't! I just realized this past winter how many ice fishing fanatics there are in Michigan!

Heli Gunner - you are definitely in cold country too! Thank you for coming by!! I will come visit you!

Anonymous said...

Love the photo shellmo! Ice fishing is on my list of "things to try"! Hope you guys had fun :)

John Theberge said...

As a kid we used to go ice fishing all the time in the winter but we didn't use a wind block.

Melissa Weisbard said...

I'd love to try ice fishing once. I'll have to head to Michigan someday and try it. =o)

Tina said...

I would be afraid to walk out onto the ice..ha ha but I wouldn't mind the fishing part...what kind of fish does one catch at this time of the year??

2sweetnsaxy said...

Now that's commitment and a love for fishing. :-)