Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Winter Dusk


“People live for the dream in their hearts. And I have yet to know anyone who has not some secret dream, some hope, however dim, some storied wall to look at in the dusk, some painted window leading to the soul.”

-Zane Grey


Betsy Banks Adams said...

As I posted on someone else's comments this morning, my dream is for PEACE in the world. As many have said, including Rick Warren yesterday---"Why can't we all just get along?"


Anonymous said...

So very peaceful.

Lynda Lehmann said...

What a great and lyrical quote to go with your gorgeous winter photo!

Cedar ... said...

My dream is for this country to move forward and leave behind the bickering and prejudice of former years. Recognize each person as worthy of all civil rights as the one next to them, yes. No matter their race, religion, culture, sexual preference, or any other thing that comes between us. We are all one and all deserve the same happiness in our lives. Yes, again!

Michele said...

So serene... a lovely photo.


Anonymous said...

Very nice!

Heather said...

Hi Shelley. I don't know why I've been so slow in getting in on this blog of yours - geesh! All the images are lovely. I enjoy experiencing Michigan vicariously through you. I know I could never tough out the cold and the short days of Michigan winters.

Deborah Godin said...

That photo just radiates serenity and quiet!

Tina said...

Beautiful capture..just so calming!

Susie said...

I came from Dorothy's blog and just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed all your photos. I love birdies and that little Nuthatch picture is so cute.

Patsy said...

I am passing on award to you blogger friend.You don't have to do any thing but pass it on.

Anonymous said...

the quote is a perfect match for a photo that leaves you speechless. :)

Nanny said...

Very nice quote to post for yesterday!

I remember as a child, my parents took us to the Zane Grey Museum in Ohio. You brought back to me a happy memory.

Thanks for stopping by my main blog yesterday. I poured out my secret dream in that post.

Unknown said...

Tag you are it!! I know you have some amazing photos that you have probably forgotten about!!

Unknown said...

Don't rush the tag on my account, sometimes I don't get to do mine and sometimes I do. The ornamental peppers are edible, my friend puts them on her salads. Some are HOT and some or not. I'm not saying Eat Them, I just know people who do, and aren't all peppers supposed to be edible?HMMMMMM.

zain said...

Don't dream & live the reality, lol

spookydragonfly said...

Beautiful capture and quote to match!

sylvia murphy said...

Your pictures always make winter look serene. The stillness is there. You might want to add some George Winston to your audio track for this time of year. The sharp notes of the piano always seem to evoke the chill to me.

2sweetnsaxy said...

Nice shot. It looks so quiet and peaceful...and cold. :-)