Sunday, September 7, 2008

My "Walden Pond"

For much of my life, I dreamed of living in a log cabin. Reading Laura Ingalls Wilder & Thoreau, seeing Dick Proenneke's 'Alone in the Wilderness', all conspired to put this burning desire in me to own a log cabin - to connect with nature and live a simpler life. I happily married a man who had the same dream and we completed our log home earlier this year in northern Michigan. For now we visit on the weekends.....the next dream is to be there permanently.

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived." -Henry David Thoreau


Unknown said...

Oh my stars!! It's beautiful.

Shelley said...

Thank you Darla!

Melissa Weisbard said...

What a beautiful cabin! I have also dreamed of living in a cabin out in the woods close to nature. I feel so calm and serene when I'm out in nature. Congratulations on your beatufil new home.

Jessica said...

You're living the dream! So happy for you!

Meg said...

Thanks for the nice comment on my blog. Coming from you, that's high praise, because your photos are gorgeous. I enjoy your birding blog, too.

Nanny said...

Wow! That is beautiful!

We are lucky enough to have relatives who live in a cabin up north on Forest Lake. We try to get up to visit them as often as we can. There is something about the quiet serenity of that lake. Especially in the morning.

I really like the pictures you post on your blog. It's almost like taking a vacation when I come here. LOL

Have you tried the Sloppy Joe recipe yet? Let me know if you like it.

Shelley said...

Melissa - I feel the same way you do in nature! :-) Thank you for your comments!

Jessica- thanks so much!

Meg - you are very kind - thank you!

Mom2- I'm going to try the sloppy joe recipe this weekend at the cabin - perfect for this fall weather!!

Nature Nut /JJ Loch said...

What a BEAUTIFUL log cabin!!! Love the sunwashed glow. We also have a log building that Jeff built with his own hands, from the felling of the logs to nailing on the roof. But it's his workshop. 36 by 20 feet. For awhile I thought it would be my log cabin. LOL

I couldn't load on your log cabin blog for some reason. I tried three times.

Hugs, JJ

Shelley said...

Nature Nut - thank you! I hope you're able to get onto my log cabin blog with no problems - let me know!