Monday, September 22, 2008

Indian Summer Picnic

Welcome to all of you attending Muse Swing's lovely Indian Summer Picnic!
I would like to offer all of the guests a parting gift today! I picked some fresh blackberries in Northern Michigan and I have made homemade blackberry jam for each of you!

First, I triple washed the blackberries. I selected the best of the berries, making sure the ripe, plump ones would be used.

After washing, I put 5 cups of blackberries and the Pectin into the pot and brought to a rolling boil. Once it started boiling, I added 7 cups of sugar and stirred constantly for 1 minute.

I ladeled the blackberries into already heated jars and lids (180 degrees) and lowered into the water bath canner. I made sure the water was 2 inches above the lids. Once it started boiling, I began timing the blackberries for 10 minutes. I then removed the jars and put them upright onto a kitchen towel.

I let it cool at room temperature for 24 hours. I now have fresh blackberry jam ready for all of you!!
Happy Indian Summer!


soulbrush said...

yum yum, the best thing is you will be eating these throughout the cold winter to come.

Lavinia said...

How thoughtful of you to make all this jam for us! It looks absolutely wonderful, and I can see that you took so much care in preparing it. You also thought of the nice to listen to Gordon Lightfoot on a lazy hazy Indian summer day.

Wow, this picnic is sublime...

Debra Kay said...

mmmmmm-how tasty! Gordon Lightfoot was pretty tasty in his day too!

MuseSwings said...

Shelly! The jam is just delicious! I had to taste a bit of mine. This is very thoughtful of you. Thank you for showing us how it's done and for joining in on our picnic! Perfect!

Sparky said...

Ohhh, that looked too scrumptuous for words! YUM! Thanks for bringing the berries and jam. Now my teeth are red. [ha ha] We are going to be so majorily full from all this great food and fun today.
Happy Fall Y'all!!
Sparky ♥ ∞

Nanny said...

YUM! that sounds so good! Now I am sorry I sold all of my canning equipment in a garage sale a few years ago. :-(

sandy said...

well yummy....Loved seeing the photos.

MuseSwings said...

Stopped by one more time - there's nothing like the smell of a kitchen during jam making time, is there!

Margaret Ann said...

OOOH1 HOw delightful...and so yummy too...Stop by my picnic in the desert a sketch a bit with me! :) A glorious day! :)

marianne said...

Yummy, this is delicious!
Greetings Marianne

Unknown said...

Thank you so much my children will enjoy that this winter on warm bagels or waffles.......LOL. Great Job they look beautiful.

Knatolee said...

Mmmmmm!!! Fantastic!!

steviewren said...

Oh, blackberry jam! How nice of you! This will be delish on my morning toast. You're so thoughtful! I'm glad you let me watch you making it. Maybe I'll give your recipe a try with the blueberries in my freezer. said...

WOW! What an amazing homemade treat!
Thank you kindly. I will save mine for a wintry grey morning when I need a bit of sunshine to start my day!

ChaChaneen said...

Nice to meet you! Isn't this just a fun day! I should have worn elastic today from all the treats I've eaten today but I simply can't leave without having some of your delicious jam on a scone! Delicious! I heard they are they are having a bon fire across the lake, let's go!

RamonaGrigg said...

Oh, I LOVE that jam! When we had our cottage near Kalkaska we had tons of blackberry bushes around and we made jam the way you do. We ate as much off the bushes as we kept. That was fun, too!

(Love your pictures. Thanks for sharing.)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Shelly: That is my favorite jam and the main one I use.

2sweetnsaxy said...

Cool! One of these days I'm going to try this with the fruit from my apricot tree.