Saturday, June 12, 2010

Seeking Squirrel

“As long as one keeps searching, the answers come”

- Joan Baez quotes (American Singer and Song Writer, b.1941)


Anonymous said...

What an unusual squirrel Shelley! You get the greatest photos. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Unknown said...

such a cutie! and I know they are hard to capture. I have tried!

Busy Bee Suz said...

"I see YOU"

The Retired One said...

Spectacular shot of him peeking around the tree at you! Loved this one!

Patsy said...

I have never seen one that color must be just up north?

Darla said...

Love the quote, detest squirrels...don't you just love my honesty? LOL

Samuel said...

Nice picture. What kind of squirrel is that?

Together We Save said...

I don't think I have ever seen a black squirrel....we have a white one living in our neighborhood though.

Melinda said...

i love this photo! first time visiting your blog. i am from michigan too, west michigan however.

melinda @

Syncere Beauty said...

I just happened across your blog. It brought tears to my eyes. I am from Petoskey and haven't been back in about 14 yrs. Anyway, I have always loved black squirrels and I dare say that the squirrels up north are quite smart to take the power lines above to cross the streets below. It feels like going home looking at your pictures. Thank you!

Shelley said...

Thank you everyone for your visit and comments!

Syncere Beauty - We took a day trip to Petoskey last week so I'll be posting those photos this week - hopefully it brings back good memories for you!

Karen Decker said...

Beautiful picture. Someone has a good eye, a steady hand, and a quick camera. :)

Linda said...

Your black squirrel makes me homesick for summertime in Harbor Springs. They really are that cute!