Sunday, November 16, 2008

Blue Jay in a snow storm

It is 28 degrees at the log cabin and big fluffy snow flakes are coming down. I watched this Blue Jay flit from each of my bird feeders until he came to rest in this tree - perhaps to take shelter and enjoy the snowfall as well.


Patsy said...

Well! I just love your three blogs. And have to comment on all. LOL, Patsy

Denise said...


Christy said...

See now when I see it like this it looks all beautiful and romantic like. When I am actually outside in it all I can think is "I'm cold and I have to drag two little kids out of the car," well at least that was my thought this morning as I drove to church.

Unknown said...

All I know is..that bird is COLD!

Tina said...

He's saying, "Thank You for putting out those feeders, what would I do without you!!" It's nice you are seeing some snow..we are suppose to see flurries this week!

Cedar ... said...

I know that a lot of folks say bluejays are pigs at a feeder and in general make a lot of noise. But I love them,... their brilliant color and even their variety of "songs"... well, not a real bird song, but whatever you call it i like having them around. I fill my feeders often and watching all the birds is my winter fun. Great pic of that jay!

Leedra said...

He thinks he is hiding from you.

Deborah Godin said...

Not many birds at my feeders yet, it isn't cold enough or snowy here yet. That's a classic winter photo you captured!

Shelley said...

Bennie & Patsy - I am so happy to have you as a "regular" ! :-)

Denise - and it's only going to get colder.... ha,ha

Christy - LOL at dragging the kids out!

Darla- hopefully the food will warm him!

Tina - I hope the blue jay is appreciative as he seems to be the biggest piggy of all at the feeders - lol!

Cedar - like you - I still like them and admire their colors. Plus their eyes seem so intelligent.

Leedra - he gives it away w/ his loud squawking!

Deborah - I did notice after that first snowfall not only has the # of birdy visitors increased - but also the # of different varieties. I was getting tired of the sparrows and mourning doves!

Rambling Woods said...

Lovely photo and we had snow too..Winter is here...

New Rambling Woods Site

2sweetnsaxy said...

The way you described it, I could almost picture the snowflakes falling, the cold air against my cheeks and that pretty bird coming into view. Beautiful winter photo. :-)

Shelley said...

Rambling - I'm really enjoying the snow! Looking forward to your pics!

2Sweet - thank you so much! Your name suits you! :-)

Nina said...

This is very beautiful. I have officially come down with Winter Fever - Looking forward to snowshoeing!