Monday, August 25, 2008

Autumn is near...

This past weekend when we were up at our log cabin - there was definitely a crispness and coolness in the air.

This photo was taken last year on Little Bradford Lake in Gaylord.


Nature Nut /JJ Loch said...

What a beautiful autumn photo! Autumn is in the air here too. Leaves are turning more and more and they have begun to litter the ground. Time to get that woodstove painted for next season.

Hugs, JJ

Wall-to-wall books said...

Ooooo, very pretty picture!

BUT! I don't want to hear it! Nooooo, I am plugging my ears and covering my eyes, Autumn can't be near! I'm not done with summer yet!

Shelley said...

Nature Nut - a woodstove sounds nice! I need one for our log cabin!

Wendy - I'll just whisper it then "fall is coming...." LOL!

Kahshe Cottager said...

My goodness ... there is more colour there than here at the moment. There are some trees that have gone bright red already but most of them are still green - the dark green that you get just before the colours are going to start. This looks like a beautiful place to have a cabin.

Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment about my weird bug!

Shelley said...

Hi Kahshe - this is a photo from last year - but the leaves are already tinged w/ red & brown. Thank you so much for stopping by!!

Reader Wil said...

Isn't autumn a colourful season? This is something people living in the tropics miss.

Knatolee said...

Wow, it's fantastically beautiful around there! While I have passed through Michigan, it has only been the southern bit around Detroit... not quite so breathtaking. ;) I am enjoying exploring your blog.

Shelley said...

Reader Wil - all of trees at their best with the red & gold colors!

Knatolee- Northern Michigan is like being in a different state and the Upper Peninsula is close to untamed wildness - all beautiful! Thank you for coming by!

Jessica said...

Hip Hip Horray!! I love fall!!

Nanny said...


I just found your blog. Love it! Huge fan of Michigan's U.P. Michigan has the best that nature has to offer!

I personally love the fall time here. Apple picking, cider mills and donuts, pumpkins...etc

Shelley said...

Jessica - now its time to decorate for fall!! :-)

Mom2 - so glad you stopped by and thank you for your comments! Definitely have to enjoy the ciders and donuts!!

Unknown said...

Great photo! I am sooooo ready for fall!